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Extreme Surveillance

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ICWUDT Happy Chair Holdover

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Created by pedretta

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Via majesticloulou

Animal Pickup Lines

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Via Pleated Jeans

Talk About Acorn-y Joke...

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Via Canv.as


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Created by cybersune

Your Dog Days Are Just Beginning

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Created by Reinforcement


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Created by buzmurdock

Crime Smashing Investigation

Horatio Cane - Cartoon - Today's newspaper reports that the Hulk is dead ..he'll no longer... Looks like... Blargha ..be smashing. SO MUCH PUN.COM
Via Reddit

Probs Better Than the Original, TBH

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She Changed Her Name to Selina Kyle, and the Rest Was History!

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Via Anything Comic

The Best Kind of Monkey

Spider-Man - 7387609856
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17 Sarcastic Sentences That Are Way Too Much For Everyone

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John Lenin

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Created by anthropocene


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