
After the Termites Got To it, It Doubled As a Deathly Hollow

door double meaning dumbledore Hall of Fame Harry Potter literalism prefix - 5659021312
Via Epic Ponyz

Down in the Dumps Furniture

chair pun mattress - 7766003712


admiral ackbar catchphrase its a trap star wars Starbucks - 4063667968
Created by Caileen

Truly, A Shameful Display

Cheezburger Image 8555884032
Created by tappin ( Via tee.pub )

Smelting Leads to Hot Ores

puns - 7884301824

I Thought She Was Kristen Tory

Cheezburger Image 7295075584

Now I'm Allergic to Puns Too

puns headlines funny - 7548403968
Via guacamole-roller-coaster

TWIST ENDING: They Don't Even Serve Seafood!

conversation facebook fish variations on a theme - 6550839552

Fish You Were Here

puns funny - 7510440704
Via mood-whimsicale

This Girl is a Keeper!

double meaning idiom keeper literalism olympics soccer - 6459071744
Via Reddit

Now That I'd Watch

puns funny - 7608151808
Via theasparagusqueen
Funny memes about anime TV series 'Dragon Ball' | Soviet Orange AJMattis @AJMattis clearly see two different things. Orange with a red star drawn on it that looks like a one star Dragon Ball | 2020 every two minutes: This isn't even my final form Frieza

'Dragon Ball Z' Memes For True Fans

DBZ memes!
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Heskeeps a Lot of Things at the Ready

key keyboard lock monkey suffix surname - 6410536448
Created by Bennysim


ash brock characters disaster Exeggutor misty moves Pokémon - 4126167552
Created by filawigger

PokéPuns Are the Best Puns

puns Pokémon pokepuns - 7886134272
Created by YakuzaDuragon


groan-inducing homophones literalism lolwut stretch tail WoW - 5439729408