

game paper rhyme rhyming rock scissors Spock Star Trek - 4423209984
Created by El Diabolo

English Muffins

double meaning dressed up english fancy literalism stereotype - 5506756352
Created by Unknown

Tip Your Waitress, Etc.

bar literalism sorry food - 7138821120


sandwich witch sand homophone double meaning literalism - 6673878528
Created by Vchanfan

A Creature Steeped in Mythos

abbreviation double meaning Hall of Fame homophone literalism tea t rex tyrannosaurus rex - 5673110272
Created by rocket-taco ( Via Chooglin )

Does What it Says on the Sign

double meaning instruction language laundry misinterpretation sign - 4963551488
Created by xyzpdq1

Some People Just Get No Respect

hawk misinterpretation no double meaning - 7082596096
Via Sarchasm Comic

Because Less is Moore...right?

after more surname less homophone opposite before - 6967657472
Created by Unknown

I Think You Know Eggsactly What I Mean

foul fowl homophone language literalism upset - 4786532096
People describe the biggest plot holes that they've ever come across. | IntroGeist 22h 1 Award Incredibles happened Supervillains after Superheroes became illegal? They just disappeared no reason, No one could stop them now so they would obviously do more crime. But they're gone

Biggest Plot Holes That Haunt People

Plot holes can drive one insane.
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Give or Take a Few Kilometers

puns funny - 7605101824
Via tumblin-down-the-stairs

Fishy Conversations

answer conversation double meaning fish literalism question - 6321161984
Via Reddit

As Opposed to What Other Kind?

double meaning eye literalism - 5197989632
Created by godfrey

This Girl is a Keeper!

double meaning idiom keeper literalism olympics soccer - 6459071744
Via Reddit

Does That Mean He's Being Optimus Primal?

double meaning innuendo literalism optimus prime playing self transformers - 6608258560
Created by xyzpdq1

Either the Wallpaper Goes, or I Drink My Own Piss

bear grylls homophone literalism oscar wilde surname wild - 6043327232
Created by RickDaglesMD