
This Seems Like a Horrible Idea...

chair contradiction literalism prefix similar sounding - 4955486208

Super Punch-Out!!: Always a Beating

double meaning literalism video game world - 5064148480
Created by -Ghost-

A Marked Improvement, if You Ask Me

better homophone homophones hue hugh laurie humanity manatee Reframe - 5408572416
Created by rottenray

That Bear-Thing is the Funniest Lookin' Slowpoke I've Ever Seen

computer double meaning groan-inducing Hall of Fame literalism pizza - 6013947648
Via Nedroid

Talk About a Groaner...

cell double meaning dream shortening slang weird - 6511265792
Via Not the Worst Comic

And This is Why I Never Enjoyed Friends

literalism similar sounding surname - 5088619520
Created by maxystone ( Via www.brandonbird.com )
greek mythology bas jokes

Who Said Greek Mythology Couldn't Make For Funny Jokes?

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This is the Kind of IT Issue You Deal With Every Day in Europe

variations on a theme conversation czech facebook homophone check - 7021756416
Created by solo-espero

Demi is Top of the EKG Charts

Music puns television - 7874061056

Signed, Sealed, De-livered

puns funny - 7611198720
Via zeldatitsgerald

This Cup Can't Even Handle Me Right Now

cant club cup handle lyric me mug now right similar sounding slogan song - 5753996544
Created by Unknown

And Then Sometimes It Goes Toot Toot

puns food image - 8818920192
Via TheOnlyCanadianWhoDoesNotLikeHockey

Are You Sure You Got the Poles Right?

bear double meaning literalism minus plus polar polar bear bad puns - 5381395712
Created by thepeterlong

What is This I Don't Even...

idiom illegal lolwut rhyming - 5450406144
groan-inducing show television TV Video - 30851329


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Run, 'Finnegan's Wake,' Run!

books double meaning hit idiom literalism lolwut Twist Ending - 6360482304
Created by xyzpdq1