
Nice I's Indeed

double meaning eyes homophone is literalism ogling Staring - 5199403008

It Fits With My 'Dancing is Masochistic' Theory

club double meaning literalism - 5413999616
Created by meme-stream
funny times particular people and things were singled out | WORK CENTER HAS BEEN ACCIDENT FREE SINCE JOE LEFT | Abbie Cheeseman @cheesemanab Scientists have discovered on occasions, an octopus will "punch fish no reason other than "spite" Octopuses are ocean thugs punch fish

Humorous Times People and Things Were Singled Out Unfairly

Oh come on, really?
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lettuce literalism pray religion similar sounding - 4675515648

The Best Kind

makeup puns funny - 7620461568
Created by xyzpdq1

But She Still Uses Dial-Up, So She Can't Receive Kahlos

eye eyebrows Hall of Fame homophone internet literalism similar sounding - 6210456576
Created by PrincessLilla
Tinder conversation that explain alot

17 Flirtatious and Absurd Moments From The Wacky World of Tinder

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food beings eaten the wrong way | bite taken out the side of an unpeeled banana | cutting pieces from the center of a pizza with a fork and knife

Foods Being Eaten Improperly

Put the banana down.
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Ooh, Baby...

puns coffee product names funny - 7654823424
Via lorcl-jesus

The Truest of All Headcanons

cannon head literalism homophone - 7042497280

Or Just 'Sad'

Bad Joke Eel cow double meaning groan-inducing Hall of Fame jerk literalism - 5844718336
Created by me_gusta_man

Don't Mess With Her

Cheezburger Image 7299842816
Created by ILaughAtPotatoes


bathroom octopus rhyme rhyming - 4306357760
Created by norwhale
funny pun memes and dad jokes | rogeyroo: sashimi rolling, they hating person wearing a sushi costume riding a bicycle | reading book about anti gravity. Is any good can't put down Star Trek

Puns of Varying Quality and Clevertude

The puns roll on.
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puns literally - 7722005248

Shaquille O'neal Puns

feel - 7742691328