Picture Is Unrelated

best of week


best of week levitation run wtf - 6210347008
Created by butterflyperception

Oscar Worthy

best of week futbol wtf - 5549441536
Created by butterflyperception

Wait, Which One's the Girl?

best of week girl wtf - 5519069952
Created by SteveMND

Photoshop Win!

best of week cat dinosaurs mouse shopped pixels wtf - 5988797696
Created by anselmbe

My Hair Is A Lizard? SoBe It

bad puns best of week hair lizard wtf - 5884991232
Created by butterflyperception

My Kind of Disney Princesses

best of week disney princess wtf - 5379782912
Created by butterflyperception ( Via Jeffrey Thomas )

Why Was Six Afraid of Seven?

best of week murder numbers wtf - 6280237824

Westboro Dairy Church

best of week chickens cow wtf - 6230152192

Nyan Train

best of week Nyan Cat rainbow train wtf - 6152207616
Created by DemoEYE

And Then....

best of week gifs wtf - 6180275200
Created by butterflyperception

Welcome to My Nightmares

best of week martial arts nightmare ninja nun wtf - 5272859392

Tetris Origin

best of week mario tetris wtf - 5701244160
Created by thePurplehAtter

Open Wide

best of week dogs wtf - 6108393216

Well, There's Your Problem

best of week frogs toilet wtf - 5451684352
Created by butterflyperception

Ninja Turtle IRL

best of week IRL photoshop wtf - 5586034176
Created by butterflyperception

A Gentleowl and a Scholar

best of week fancy gentleman Owl wtf - 5442259968
Created by sixonefive72
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