therapy, mental health, depression, breakdown, twitter, funny posts, memes

Therapeutic Memes For The People Really Going Through It

You're not alone
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animal memes, nature memes, wildlife memes, ecology memes, funny memes, crab memes, bird memes, animals, dank memes, dumb memes, memes

A Herd of Wildlife Memes for Nature Fiends

“ Nature is so cool and amazing” I say to myself as I sip my cold brew coffee and shut my laptop just as David Attenborough is beginning to explain how rapid industrialization led by the human species has done irreparable damage to the Amazon rainforest. I have a bad habit of turning Attenborough off when it starts to get depressing. I'm not proud of it, but what else am I supposed to do? I live in a city where watching two rats and a pigeon fight over a slice of pizza on a rare patch of grass…
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funny memes, memes, middle class fancy, middle class memes, normie memes, karen, white people, dumb memes, dad jokes, funny tweets, twitter memes, puns, first world problems, funny, satire

'Middle Class Fancy' Memes For People Who Think Mayo Is Too Spicy

Memes to share with the gang at Nance's potluck
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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol, lmao

A Slapdash Selection Of Random Memes

All over the place
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TikTokers are Hilariously Ragging on Justin Bieber's New Song "I Feel Funny"

TikTokers are Hilariously Ragging on Justin Bieber's New Song "I Feel Funny"

This song is a joke, right?
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Girl shares evil, cruel texts from guy who rejected her in text messages

Woman Shares Cruel Text Message Rejection, Garners Sympathy From the Internet

Being rejected by a partner (or potential partner) is never fun. Neither is rejecting someone. But as actions go, there's definitely a right way and a wrong way to let a person down. The right way involves honestly, empathy, and hopefully meeting in person - or at least a somber phone call. Even “It's not you, it's me” is an acceptable theme, as it's a situation that often rings true when a relationship simply doesn't click. So while there are a number of considerate ways to tell someone that y…
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work, job, debate, sleep, napping, twitter, twitter thread

People Debate Whether Employees Should Be Allowed To Nap At Work

Catching some Zs
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baby boomers, geese, attack, fight, argument, neighbors, tiktok, cctv

Boomer Neighbors Harass Local Geese, Get A Taste Of Their Own Medicine

Just wrong
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lab assistant, lab, backlash, workplace, work, job, coworker, aita

Lab Assistant Gets Blasted For Outing Douchey Employer To New Hire

Not fair
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Funny memes about dungeons and Dragons, April 2022, humor, best dungeons and dragons memes

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (April 29, 2022)

Every Friday, the 9-5ers of the world celebrate the arrival of a paltry respite from responsibility. And every Friday we seek to enhance that joy with a collection of the best Dungeons & Dragons memes to catch our eye this week. Sadly, my colleague who was dutifully collecting these comedic specimens has left for another campaign of sorts. I hope that my selections, and growing knowledge of the beloved roleplaying game, will do her justice. So without further ado, here are the best D&D memes we…
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TikTok's Voldemort Challenge has Gotten Out of Hand with Impressions of Him as People Like Owen Wilson and Britney Spears

TikTok's Voldemort Challenge has Gotten Out of Hand with Impressions of Him as People Like Owen Wilson and Britney Spears

And as characters like Elmo, Miss Piggy, and Winnie the Pooh—it's just really gone off the avada ke-rails…
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Funny parenting tweets, humor, relatable memes, funny

The Funniest Parenting Tweets Of the Week (April 28, 2022)

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” While Emma Lazarus may not have been speaking of weary parents in her 1883 sonnet, she could have been. The plights that child-rearers face are real: exhaustion, frustration, depression , and sometimes even anger. While these experiences could potentially bring out the worst in people, the…
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internship, intern, engineering, job, job interview, prank, roommates, tiktok

Student Gets Ready For Internship Interview, Realizes He’s Been Pranked By Roommates

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Funny stories and cautionary tales of horny people having bad affairs, university, professor, phd advisors

People Discuss the Consequences of Horny Mistakes in Academia

Even smart people make horny mistakes.
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Here are the Comedy Sketches that TikTokers are Already Making About the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial

Here are the Viral Comedy Sketches that TikTokers are Already Making About the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial

Is it too soon? TikTok thinks not. (FYI, TikTok is team Johnny.)
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Funny random memes and tweets, nerdy memes

Just A Merry Mix of Memes & Tweets

The internet can get a person into a whole lot of trouble if they're not careful. One minute you're innocently checking your work email and the next you're two years into your ex's Instagram, very carefully trying not to accidentally "like" any thirst traps even though you're creeping them from a burner account like an expert stalker. "Who am I?" you ask yourself as the shame permeates your entire being. It wasn't always this way. Before the internet, people sat around and tortured themselves w…
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