kids, children, advice, babysitting, parenting, childcare, tips, behavior, tiktok

Parents and Carers Share Invaluable Tips for Being Good With Kids

Treat them right
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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol, lmao

A Selection of Memes to Rise and Shine With

Bright eyed, bushy tailed
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landlord aita roommate tenant reddit thread Reddit roommates - 17502725

Roommate Books Hotel Room Due to Lack of Hot Water, Live-In Landlord Refuses to Pay

This tenant took matters into their own hands, and when their live-in landlord let them know that the hot water would be out for the weekend, they booked a hotel room for themselves without saying a word. After pulling a vanishing act for the entire weekend, they returned and hit the landlord with the bill expecting them to pay it. The landlord, Redditor u/SheHadaStaycation, posted this topic to Reddit's r/ AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit, wondering if they were wrong for refusing to pay for t…
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Service Industry Workers Are Sharing the Different Worlds That Are the Back of House vs the Front of House

Service Industry Workers Share the Different Worlds of Back of House and Front of House

Servers are going to another dimension when they walk from your table to the kitchen…
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Twitter story about Logan Paul's former pet pig Pearl found on the side of the road, left for dead

Logan Paul's Former Pet Pig Found Abandoned In a Field & Left For Dead

Poor piggie!
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funniest throwback millennial nostalgia memes

An Entire ‘Invader Zim’ Backpack Worth of the Best Memes from This Week to Satisfy Millennials' Nostalgia Funny Bone (January 12, 2023)

Hello fellow millennials. What time is it? Morphing time!… We mean, Meme-ing time!
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work, antiwork, jobs, labor, horrible bosses, i quit, reddit, reddit thread, human resources

Worker Quits After Receiving Insulting 'Prize' From Management

You've got to be kidding me
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A compilation of funny tweets about parenting, parents, and kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (January 12, 2023)

Little kids are so funny. Based on my highly biased calculations, the average kid is 10x more comical than the average adult. Kids are blessed with the gift of comedy for multiple reasons. For one, they are given the freedom to be silly. Unfortunately for us adults, there are not a lot of opportunities to be goofballs in corporate America. If you're not silly at work, you have less time to be silly at home, which cuts down your daily silliness quota by at least 60%. Kids also aren't yet experts…
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Funny sad and relatable memes about depression, anxiety, adhd, life, existential crisis

Relatable Memes For People Who Are Tired, Depressed, Anxious, or Some Wretched Cocktail of the Three

Hahaha, as I write this it's almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon (evening?) and the sun has almost set. By the time I finish this listicle, it will be dark. And I'll feel as though there's nothing left of this cursed day. What will I do next? Well, that depends on my depression level . If it's low, I might actually work out and feel okay about my life. If it's at a medium, I'll probably eat dinner and watch one of my British detective series. And if it's high? Well, you know I'm taking the bong t…
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evaluation, appraisal, job, management, employee, employees, manager, work, complaint, tiktok

Frustrated Workers Rage Against Unfair Performance Evaluations

Another L from upper management
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A compilation of memes about witches and witchy culture

Witch Memes For Tarot Card Readers

Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
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names, name, naming, kids, adults, friends, coworkers, people, weird, unique, interesting, twitter thread

Twitter Users Share The Strangest and Most Unique Names They've Ever Seen

Some creative choices
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cake, birthday cake, cupcake, cake memes, food, food memes, memes, funny, funny memes

A Sweet Selection of Cake Memes That Leave No Crumbs

A sweet treat
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Reddit thread about a dude who gets fired for showing up to his new job two minutes late

Dude Gets Sent Home For Showing Up to His New Job Two Minutes Late

Overreact much?
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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol, lmao

A Selection of Memes to Sneak a Look At

Be subtle
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Random Batch of 24 Weird and Blursed Pics Collected From the Depths of the Most Unusual Subreddits Known To Mankind

Random Batch of 24 Weird and Blursed Pics Collected From the Depths of the Most Unusual Subreddits Known To Mankind

Down the rabbit hole we go...
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