Reddit thread about a crazy boss who rants and raves about employees who have quit to his own employees

Bombastic Boss Has Huge Outburst After Employees Quit His Company

You can tell a lot about a workplace by how upper management speaks about people who have left the company. It's not too difficult to pick up on a boss struggling to maintain employees because of their poor management style. While it's normal to have a few wacko former employees, it's a red flag when every former employee is discussed with derision and disgust. I've only quit jobs a couple of times, but the reaction from management was very different. When I put my two weeks in while working at…
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throwback memes

An Entire ‘Invader Zim’ Backpack Worth of the Best Memes from This Week to Satisfy Millennials' Nostalgia Funny Bone (January 19, 2023)

If they never had to read the note they were trying to pass to someone to the entire class, they're too young for you.
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A compilation of funny and random memes

A Charcuterie Platter of Charming Memes

Charcuterie platters are an exceptionally fun way to consume food. The bottom half of my personal food pyramid is already primarily occupied by classic items on the average charcuterie board: crackers, cheese, grapes, and pickles. Slicing all of these foods up into tiny portions and consuming them communally just makes the foods themselves taste even better. However, I have recently heard of a shake up in the world of charcuterie plates. Allegedly, according to rumors, there are now charcuterie…
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A collection of angry memes for pissed off people, memes about rage, relatable memes, humor, tweets, Keanu Reeves, cat memes

Angry Memes for Surly, Pissed Off People

I need to get something off my chest. You know all those viral TikToks where people take you through their adorable little morning routines? Well, I hate them. I really, really hate them. Who the hell gets up in the morning and actually thinks some sh*t like “Carpe Diem” as they apply their expensive skincare routine and drink a green smoothie? Well, I'm sure those people exist, but they're definitely RICH, and in no way reflect actual human beings. If I were to take you on a journey through my…
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Collection of tweets about the rising price of hash browns at McDonald's fast food restaurants, breakfast menu, people believe it's a marker of inflation or a recession

The Greedy Thieves at McDonald's Jacked Up the Price of Hash Browns & We're All Mad About It

Highway robbery.
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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol, lmao

A Crop of Memes Harvested From the Meme Fields

Freshly picked
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business, employee, employer, interview, recruiting, business owner, controversy, linkedin, reddit

Demanding Business Owner Gets Slammed for Douchey 'Interview Hacks' to Use on Job Applicants

How not to hire
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A compilation of funny tweets about parenting and kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (January 19, 2023)

Tell me if you've heard this one: "I'm going to have kids early so I can enjoy my 40s and 50s." Or what about this one: "I'm going to wait until I'm 30 to have a kid so I can enjoy my twenties." These lines of reasoning are predicated on the notion that having kids is not enjoyable and is something you want to be relieved of eventually or postpone. I have little qualification to speak on this: I am not a parent, and who knows what the future of parenthood will look like for me. But I hope that…
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A compilation of funny headlines, cartoons, and memes from old newspapers

Vintage Memes From Newspapers of the Past

If memes are anything, they're ever present. We tend to think of memes as a newfangled 21st century invention, but that is simply not the case. Look at any newspaper or magazine from the 20th century, and you'll see some marvelous memes in unexpected places. In college, I visited my schools archives with the University humor magazine. The publication had been in print since 1911, so when we were able to look through old copies of the magazine, we were surprised to find how much meme formats of…
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Funny Twitter thread asks for help identifying the worst name of all time, lots of people reply Josh, Kyle, Tyler, Denise, Andrew

Twitter Users Are on a Mission to Identify the Worst Name of All Time

“What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” If you're not familiar with Shakespeare, this quote is meant to assert that names (like Montague or Capulet) are actually irrelevant and that it's the nature of a person (or object) that truly matters.
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introverts, introverted, memes, introvert memes, lol, extrovert, party, socially awkward, awkward, social anxiety, staying at home

Stay at Home Memes of the Week for Happily Secluded Introverts Who Always Make Fake Scenarios in Their Head (January 19, 2023)

And for my next trick, I'll be breaking my own heart by exaggerating my place in other people's lives
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reviews antiwork employee toxic-workplace revenge petty revenge employer workplace Horrible Bosses glass door Memes job interview interview - 17781253

'My review comes up a lot in their interview process': Worker's Glassdoor review causes trouble for previous employer

This employee has learned that a Glassdoor review they wrote when they quit their job has been giving their past-employer grief with hiring. They left their position after experiencing unprofessional treatment from their manager, which they felt necessitated the review being written. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit this week by a user who shared their experiences with the popular sub. They posted their topic with the title “Left my old place due to bad management - M…
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relatable memes, tweets and tumblr posts for people with depression or anxiety, helpful reminders and affirmations

Relatable Memes and Affirming Reminders For People Who Are Simply Not Okay

In the words of the popular rock band My Chemical Romance, “I'm nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot okaaaay, I'm not okaaaaaaaay, I'm not o-f*ckin-kay!” Yeah, I might be writing this at the end of a long weekend, but long weekends are just more free time to think about your problems if you're depressed and/or having a total existential crisis . Just kidding. Long weekends are the perfect time to try to ground oneself. While some people may turn to wordy self-help books, therapy sessions (expensiv…
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Update: Pink Sauce is Back, And it's Walmart Version is Less Pink Than You'd Expect

Update: Pink Sauce is Back, And it's Walmart Incarnation is Less Pink Than You'd Expect

Beige sauce?
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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, meme dump, dumb memes, relatable memes, lol, lmao

A Bunch of Memes to Take a Gander At

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karen, karens, karens in the wild, airplane, flight, racist, racism, email, wtf, tiktok

Racist Karen Gets Roasted for Sending Rude Email About Women Sat Next to Her on a Flight

Subtle as a brick
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