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Explain Like I'm 35: What is Alienposting? (May 7, 2023)

Zeep glorp
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Frog Memes For Froggy Friends

Ribbit ribbit
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wizardry, twitter, Harry Potter, wizarding world, harry potter memes, harry potter tweets, Albus Dumbledore, hufflepuff, dumbledore, slytherin, ravenclaw, Ron Weasley, funny tweets, funny twitter, ginny weasley, gryffindor, Hogwarts

People Discuss Strange Inconsistencies in the Harry Potter Universe

Harry Potter fans love to praise the worldbuilding of the Wizarding World, and I understand why. Harry Potter is often the first prolonged series of books young readers will consume that takes place in a complex alternate universe. Because of this nostalgia, the worldbuilding gets a bit overhyped by fans who don't wish to see any of the series' flaws. The piece of worldbuilding that most befuddled me when I first read Harry Potter was the “genetic blood protection spell” that Lily allegedly cas…
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A Grouping of Memes Both Young and Old

It's long been said that variety is the spice of life. If the sentiment is to believed, then the things we call memes are a spice level 5, like they refuse to serve me at the Thai restaurant. You see, if it exists, there are memes about it. We've covered everything from knitting memes to forklift operator memes , and those two incredibly specific subjects are teeny drops in a Texas-sized, meme-filled bucket. The memes we love are as varied as the people who make them, and if we start thinking a…
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witty introverts introvert introverted memes introvert-memes relatable relatable-memes socially-awkward awkward socialize social-anxiety social-battery outsiders antisocial party extroverts

20 Witty Introvert Memes for Eager Outsiders Who Always Leave the Party Early (May 7, 2023)

I didn't want to come
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video games, gaming memes, pc gaming, pc master race, online gaming, computer memes, geek, memes, windows, nvidia, pc

Memes for People Who Have a Complicated Relationship With Their Gaming PC

Plenty of PC gamers like to act high and mighty around console warriors, but deep down, every PC user has a love/hate relationship with their machine. If you'd defend that piece of junk you built yourself 15 years ago to the death, these relatable memes for dedicated PC users will surely speak to you.
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language, languages, linguistics, twitter, twitter thread, foreign languages, facts, information, interesting, different languages, fun facts

Linguists Share Cool Facts About Languages That They Speak

Words are wild
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tinder, bumble, hinge, dating apps, dating, relationship, relationships, love, men, women, wtf

Awkward Dating App Interactions From Perpetual Swipers

Just stay single
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conspiracy, conspiracy theory, sun, solar system, twitter, roast, roasted, stupid people, wtf, solar power, sunshine

Woman Gets Roasted for Claiming That the Sun Used to Be a Different Color

Bring back yellow sun
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antiwork, jobs, on the job, job, work memes, job hunt, bad jobs, work, influener, linkedin, social media, workplace, creativity in the workplace, influencers, job interview

Wild LinkedIn Posts Courtesy of Cringey Entrepreneurs

So inspirational
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Normie Memes For Normal Guys

Nothing weird over here
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Comically Perplexing Things People Accused of Being 'Gay'

Fellas, is it gay to love your wife?
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cold, freezing, winter, complaint, memes, funny, funny memes, seasons

Funniest Memes for People Who Are Always Cold

It's chilly in here
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Cat Memes That Are Catnip to Cat Lovers

Can't resist
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A Dutiful Showing of Random Memes

Doing what's right
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funny cat memes, dogs, cat meme, dog memes, cute animal memes, funny dog memes, cute animals, hamsters, hamster, funny animal memes, animal memes, funny animals, animals, cat memes

The Best Animal Memes of the Week (May 6, 2023)

The worst thing about animals is that they can't talk . I know there have been a couple of scientifically studied gorillas and dogs on TikTok who can say words, but that's not the same thing as talking. Humans are the only species that can speak in a grammatically coherent way, and that's a damn shame. I've had several dogs I wish I could talk to because they probably have crazy life stories. My first dog, Toby, had an extremely traumatic life before we got him. When the dog rescue found him, h…
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