A compilation of memes for the older generation of meme consumers and posters

Geriatric Memes For Middle-Aged Posters

Memes are for everyone!
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twitter wtf kids public parenting controversy funny tweets twitter discourse parents children - 20318213

Twitter Users Debate Whether the General Population is Responsible For Children in Public Spaces

There's been a lot of discourse lately about where in public children do and don't belong. The “children don't belong on planes” take has been popular for many, many years - and we just witnessed the insanity that controversial (yet semi-universal) stance can lead to. Basically, owning that opinion too passionately can land you in jail. But the contempt for kids and/or babies on planes isn't where these feelings stop. A restaurant in New Jersey
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bluesky, twitter, social media, funny twitter, conversation, tweets, skeets, funny tweets, tech, technology, news, internet news, elon musk, jack dorsey

The Best Tweets About Bluesky, the Twitter Dupe That Bird App Users Are Desperate to Get On

No more Elon?
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humor stupid memes surreal memes jokes random memes funny memes weirdos weird memes Memes lol weird - 20291589

Weirdo Memes From Off the Beaten Path

Listen. We like normal memes as much as the next person. What's a normal meme, you ask? Well, one example would have to be anything in the style of Twitter. You know, when the joke comes in the form of text above an image. Usually, these memes are a pretty lowest common denominator type of entertainment. Relatable as all hell. We're talking memes about how much we need coffee to get through the day. Maybe memes about how you feel like a useless piece of sh*t and are amounting to nothing. Or the…
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humor twitter-blue twitter jokes relatable memes relatable fresh tweets relatable tweets elon musk lol funny tweets - 20315141

Quick Quips From the Mad Minds of Twitter (April 28, 2023

There's no way around it: Twitter's been a bit of a mess lately. Just last week they removed blue checks from anyone who isn't paying for Twitter Blue. Y'know, besides the likes of LeBron James , Dril, and Stephen King. It's a funny grift, and there were plenty of accounts having a field day with their new place as “normal” Twitter users. While we were kind of terrified about what our feed would look like after the axe fell ( Elon Musk said our For You pages would be all verified), we've still…
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barista, starbucks, job, work, meltdown, debate, employee, twitter, twitter thread

Starbucks Barista Melts Down During Challenging Shift, Sparking Mixed Reactions

It's a lot for one job.
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animal, animal memes, bunny, funny animals, animals, rabbits, funny meme, cute animal memes, funny memes, cute animals, Easter Bunny, rabbit, funny animal memes

Bunny Memes For Those Counting Down to Next Easter

Only 340 days left!
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GOP republican republicans politics politicians drag drag-queens queen ted-cruz ron-desantis mitch-mcconnel mike-pence ai art ai-generated pardoy

'GOP, all glammed up': Artist uses AI to turn Republican politicians into drag queens

Ron DeSantis (aka Rhonda Santy) wearing a feather boa is giving
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dog memes, dogs, funny dogs, funny dog memes, memes, funny, funny memes, animal memes, funny animal memes, wholesome, wholesome memes, wholesome animal memes

Funniest Dog Memes of the Week For Canine Connoisseurs (April 27, 2023)

Treats at the ready
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Funny random memes, dank memes

A Messy Melange of Mixed-Up Memes

When I was a kid I used to sit in my basement and watch the same damn movies over and over again. Pocahontas, Wild America, Independence Day, The Goonies, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy (okay, that's three movies, but I'm counting it as one). It's true that we had the internet , but as far as I was concerned, watching LOTR for the hundredth time was way more appealing than sitting around for several minutes waiting for the dial-up to do its thing so that I could continue downloading "track00…
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throwback nostalgic memes early 2000s millennials nostalgia early-oughts funny memes Memes early-00s-kids gen x 90s kids 80s-teens nostalgia memes funny millennial-nostalgia - 20298757

An ‘Invader Zim’ Lunchbox Full of the Best Memes for Millennials Who Need to Satisfy Their Nostalgic Funny Bone This Week (April 27, 2023)

Who else misses the old school Pizza Hut restaurants?
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A Reddit story about a male Karen boomer father-in-law getting angry at his son-in-law for tipping at a resturant

Male Karen Berates Son-In Law For Tipping at a Restaurant

Anyone who has worked as a waiter knows that people who don't tip are the worst. In the United States, many waiters only get paid $2 hourly and, therefore, only survive on tips. Some restaurants don't even pay their servers an hourly wage. This is basically common knowledge at this point, so for most people, not tipping is simply out of the question. But there are always those people who get angry for the insistence that they tip. I find that these come from two camps. The first camp is Boomers…
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Memes humor star wars memes star wars jokes fandom sci fi memes sci fi Star Trek funny - 20301829

Funniest Sci-Fi Memes of the Week (April 27, 2023)

Does anybody enjoy reality these days? As an enthusiast of science fiction media, I find a strangely exciting solace in sci-fi movies, TV shows, books, and video games. Space, extraterrestrials, advanced technology, futuristic scenarios - it's all preferable to, say, sitting at my desk in this particular hellscape. If you're feeling similarly, we suggest you gather 'round and feast your eyes on a plethora of memes that delve deep into these beloved topics. Undoubtedly, sci-fi has emerged as one…
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Teenager posts their working hours on Reddit, sparking discussion on child labor laws

Teen's Excessive Work Hours Sparks Discussion About Child Labor Laws

A Utah teenager recently went viral on Reddit for posting their schedule for their part-time job . They are expected to work 32 hours a week, including four 6-hour shifts directly after already going to school for 8 hours. I know there are probably a bunch of angry people reading this and thinking, “that's not very much work! If this teen would hike up their bootstraps, they would be able to work these hours and finish their homework with no issues.” In some cases, they might be right. When I w…
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things kids say, funny kids, funny parent, parenting, parenting WIN, kids these days, funny parenting tweets, little kids, parenting tweets, parent, Parenting Fail, parents, funny parenting, Parenting FAILS

The Best Parenting Tweets of the Week (April 27, 2023)

There is no group of people more unfairly scrutinized online than parents. Okay, maybe that's not 100% true, but I am baffled by the comments on nearly every parenting video I see on reels and TikTok. No matter what a parent does, no matter how normal their video is, some weirdos in the comments will pick apart and criticize them for no reason. I know this isn't wholly a problem of the internet. People have been giving parents unsolicited advice since man developed the ability to speak. The iss…
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hoverboard product nostalgia McDonald's askreddit subreddit Reddit fidget spinners - 20296965

Redditors Discuss Things That Have Mysteriously Disappeared

At some point in your life, you’ve probably asked yourself, “Oh, yeah. Whatever happened to that thing?” Whether that be random fads like fidget spinners or well-respected establishments such as Fudruckers, you’ve noticed that things just go away sometimes. Today, Redditor /u/musicmaniac247 posed this very question, “What eventually disappeared and no one noticed?” The Askreddit thread quickly blew up, garnering over 15 thousand replies. Whether good, bad, funny, or just kind of depressing, res…
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