social media, internet, explainer, it's over, we're back, psychology, new meme, catchphrase, pessimism, twitter

Explain Like I'm 35: Is It Over, Or Are We Back? (April 2, 2023)

The duality of meme in one catchphrase.
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job, jobs, work, pay, salary, dumb, twitter thread, twitter

Infuriating Thread Reveals The Trials Of Negotiating Pay

A minefield
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sigh, quit your bullshit, quit, liars, stupid people, dumb, social media, twitter

Obnoxious Liars Who Got Conclusively Told to Cut the Crap

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Some Memes to Thoughtfully Mull Over

For a minute or two
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Cringeposts and Memes From and About Messed-Up Neckbeards

Ah, “neckbeards.” What's in a name? While the term, at its most literal, refers to dudes whose facial hair seems to gravitate toward the neck and chin, the meaning has shifted over the years. Nowadays, “neckbeard” refers to unsavory dudes you might come across on the internet who are really into stuff like gaming, anime, and comic books. Those interests are all well and good (we love a good comic book or game sesh), but, unfortunately, a lot of neckbeards are also huge misogynists. They tend to…
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Reddit thread about a geriatric Karen who insults her young female coworker to no end

Geriatric Karen Bullies Youthful Female Employee For Her Looks

Mean girls never grow up
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Gaming Memes for Elder Scrolls Aficionados

Elder Scrolls VI when?
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Day Drinking Party Memes for Wild Weekenders Who Live a Life of Debauchery (April 2, 2023)

Tonight you will have "one drink"
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facebook, social media, stupid people, crazy people, dumb, internet, posting, posts, wtf, cringeworthy, cringey, cringe, cringe pics

Wildest Posts From the Depths of Facebook (April 2, 2023)

What a place
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college, parenting, entitled, teenagers, parents, reddit, reddit thread, am i the asshole, aita

'AITA for asking my daughter what college she decided on?' Entitled Teen Wastes Parents’ Time and Money Just for Fun

Many people in the comments pointed out that OP could simply let his daughter's little game backfire, using the situation as a teachable moment. A “f*ck around and find out” kind of moment, if you will. A “stupid games win stupid prizes” sort of thing. But the tough love approach is always easier said than done when you care about your kid and their future.
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'The most American Amerciana ever to America before': Polish LARPers Pretend to Be Americans and Their 'Ohio' Impression is Disturbingly Accurate

'The most American Americana ever to America before': Polish LARPers Pretend to Be Americans and Their 'Ohio' Impression is Disturbingly Accurate

All they're missing is a few tons of toxic waste in the water supply
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stores, antiwork, toxic manager, part time, toxic workplace, work, coworkers, hardware, home depot, toxic boss, reddit thread, Reddit, store, toxic work environment

Store Manager Demands Part-Time Employees Be Available To Work 16 Hours a Day

Has this ever happened to you? You're working a part-time job , and your boss wants you to have the availability of a full-time job. Or how about this one: Your boss complains about being understaffed, and when you ask for more hours, you don't get them. Working part-time sucks because your boss always wants way too much from you. They want you to treat this part-time gig like it is the launching pad for a great career when it's usually just working at Chic-Fil-A. When you're in high school esp…
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dogs, cute dogs, dog memes, random memes, cute dog, funny memes, funny tumblr posts, dank memes, Memes, doggos, doggo, funny dogs, meme, doggo memes, animal memes, funny tumblr

A Sweet Selection of Dog Memes And Not Dog Memes

I love dogs. There's no getting around the fact that they are my favorite pets around, and I don't think anything will ever change that. I know many members of the meme community are cat people, which I respect. I wish I could be a cat person , but I don't have it in me. I don't want to beg an animal to like me, and whenever I meet a cat, I feel it is necessary. I know factually how to get a cat on my side. It's a long haul. You're not going to become a cat's best friend the first time you meet…
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5 Biggest Mistakes In John Wick: Chapter 4 | CineMistakes

You already know what it is, it's your boy Stephen with a brand new show on Cracked where he absolutely eviscerates your favorite films. Uh, yeah, he's going there. This week on the Skewer Stick is everyone's new favorite action flick, John Wick: Chapter 4 . Prepare to get skewered (WARNING: SPOILER ALERTS AHEAD).
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An Unraveling Spool of Random Memes

Here, there, and everywhere
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animal photos, birds, turtles, bird memes, cute animals, turtle, animal tweets, animal, animal memes, dinosaur memes, funny animals, animals, frog, dinosaurs, frog memes, frogs

The Best Animal Memes of the Week (April 1, 2023)

There are a lot of animals in the Muppet Cinematic Universe . They've got frogs, pigs, bears, aliens, rats, and all kinds of whatnots! If I had to choose, my favorite muppet would be Animal. He's got such a lust for life that we all could use a little bit of. This might be a bit of an unpopular Muppet opinion, but if it weren't for Animal, I don't know if the Electric Mayhem would have survived as a group. Sure, we all love Dr. Teeth and Janis, but Animal brings the punk edge that the band so d…
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