
Do you hear that? Or is it just the wind. The wind can carry more than just a cool breeze. It can throw dirt and sand in your eyes and ensure if you're downwind of the wrong cow pasture, you'll know it. So be wary of the zephyr and laugh away your strife with some windy laughs.

Bar Graph fickle wind winnie the pooh - 3860996864

1098006 1099689 activity Bar Graph exam flying leaves outside studying voting-page wind - 2552127232

Likelyhood of Wind vs. Activity

1098006 1099689 captain planet clothes contents earth fire heart voting-page water wind - 1742681344

Contents of Captain Planet

Image pants Pie Chart problems spring wind winter - 4541739008


1099689 blizzard characters driving empty full gas stop voting-page weather wind - 2935641856

Weather vs. Need to Stop for Gas