

The Country Where I Want to Be

Finland Image infographic languages spelling weird - 4643449344
Created by stag3k

I Just Call it the Boot

countries Image infographic languages spelling weird - 4638874112
Created by piotr_mil

Current Science Research Budget

1098006 1099689 alien Bar Graph budget cancer cure current gadgets internet life people research science swine flu TV voting-page weird - 2401440000
Created by Willosaur360

Water, Y U So Sexy?

Image sexy turn on venn diagram weird - 4998088448

What happens on Marcy's Playground...

Image smell song venn diagram weird - 6478588672
Created by Pshackleford

It Sticks With Me For Weeks

driving Image Other people weird - 4797773568
Created by Akii ( Via )

Shoes, Really?

Image infographic phone Sad weird - 5065637376

Hive of Scum and Villainy

infographic weird - 3893784832

Do You Like Pie?

cake Image likes Pie Chart weird - 4944406016
Created by TheCavellucci

Maybe I'll Just Take a Cab

Image infographic languages weird - 4667226880
Created by spiceonpsn

Reasons for Reading Movie Credits

1098006 1099689 funny jobs movies names reading voting-page weird - 2146083584
Created by walruscoll

advertisements au natural cologne douchebags environment Music Pie Chart shopping smell uncomfortable voting-page weird - 3366074112
Created by NormanOzwald

Team Names Are Weird

baseball weird - 7415852288


Image laws Other weird - 6210188288
Via Prism Casino

Here's a Llama, There's a...What The?

Image infographic language weird - 4664468992
Created by greatday4awalk

A Fear of What?

Image weird - 6542313728
Created by 10Wolf2Dog ( Via Online Dating )
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