
Mimes Horatio Caine putting on his sunglasses... I think we've found a shady spot here for some gifs and memes... Sunglasses have become an almost essential fashion accessory for the style-focused. But as long as people turn their faces into something resembling a bug, there will always be jokes to be had.

1098006 1099689 chicks cool eyes men sun sunglasses voting-page - 2262056704

Why men wear sunglasses

douchebags Image Music Pie Chart sunglasses - 4035538688

Image Pie Chart sunglasses - 5323240448

They Know

sunglasses - 7819795200

Who Cares About the Grey Winter, I'm Ignoring You

creepy Image Pie Chart sunglasses - 4878846720

Check Out Dat Ass at Five O'Clock

csi Image Pie Chart sunglasses - 3974797312

1098006 1099689 animals dogs sunglasses voting-page - 1772460800
