

Watch the pencil... Poof! It's gone. Luckily you can just erase anything you don't like and mark the jokes you do. That's the beauty of a pencil.

pencil Pie Chart school - 3822776576
Created by hahadrum72684

Image pencil Pie Chart school voting-page write - 3455802368
Created by acman319

drugs Image meh pencil Pie Chart school sex violence - 4204481024
Created by Steph462

Pencil Use: a Chart

Bar Graph height Image pencil writing - 6165133056

pencil Pie Chart school - 3900544768
Created by ItsaPotato

Image knife pencil Pie Chart scissors - 4111713024
Created by TacoMan72

Chance of pencil being sharp

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Created by Adragalus

your mechanical pencil

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Created by jtr3v

Dry Erase Marker, Lipstick, Sharpie, Bodily Fluids

drawing Image Line Graph pen pencil writing - 4704532224
Created by beansprout101

I Meant 3x + Squiggle = Y

error Image math mistakes pen pencil Pie Chart - 4653319424
Created by keirameyer