

What Students Do After Taking A One Year Break From College

1098006 1099689 break college degree die hate math off package post perform Pie Chart poverty smart students teach teaching theater theatre time uncomfortable voting-page waiting - 2380742912
Created by robstennett3

Chances of it snowing more than an inch

1099689 day off Pie Chart school voting-page weekend - 3130734848
Created by Unknown

audience cell phones Image off Pie Chart silent vibrate voting-page - 3605144064
Created by iqf

Stealth capabilities of the mosquito that kept me awake last night.

1098006 1099689 awake face lights off perfect voting-page - 2674944768
Created by hamburgerkaas

Dang House Security

alarm doors house Image off on security spreadsheet - 4507916544
Created by WhatsOfTheUp1

When the automatic sink turns off

1099689 automatic Bar Graph move off person sink voting-page you - 2997743616
Created by BobManPerson

Likelihood of a computer issue being solved by...

1098006 1099689 Bar Graph computer off on software voting-page - 2668024576
Created by EliCarro

You Need to Take Your Marco Polo Somewhere Else

Image off on Pie Chart pool - 5098390528

When you get hit with a green shell in mario kart

1098006 1099689 Bar Graph Mario Kart off send shell video games voting-page wall - 2677398528
Created by maipooz