

Time it takes to fall in love (average)

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You Better Have Been Inspired

men movies Pie Chart - 5251347712
Created by cbastedo

Give the Best Advice

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Created by IsaiahOreeo

Division of money spent at movies.

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Created by thesuperherosam

Movies vs. Real Life How often people have sex

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Created by Forlong

What happens when the main character in the movie says that it can't get worse

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Created by gutmiko

Price of Soda versus Location of Purchase

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Now With More Air!

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Created by clagster12345

Why They Should Bring Back Firefly

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Via Reddit

They're... Um... Paralyzed By Fear

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Spoiler Alert: Sean Bean Get's Killed Off... in Everything

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Via Prickly Legs

Where the monster is in horror movies

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Created by boogoyle22

What I Like About Twilight...

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Tell Jabba I''ve Got His Money

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Via Wired

Audio Levels

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Via Ryan Selvy

Cars Are So Unreliable

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Created by Micd00gs
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