

Speed Limits There Are Confusing

distance Image lol miles minutes Pie Chart texas - 4539459328

How Long It Takes to Read the Paper Just Handed to You

1098006 1099689 Bar Graph long minutes movies paper read real life seconds time voting-page - 2764466432

Probability of Things Being Cold After Leaving Them out for 5 Minutes

1098006 1099689 Bar Graph beer coffee cold left minutes out soda voting-page - 2623598848
Created by alphag

Likelihood of my parents dropping by for a surprise visit

1099689 apartment Bar Graph bottle boxes clean dirty girlfriend minutes parents pizza sex surprise underwear visit voting-page - 2947428352

How hot is that girl?

1098006 1099689 first girl hot chick later minutes voting-page - 2118269696
Created by Yosterkote

Me Missing Work vs. Boss Noticing

1099689 bar graphs boss day early image late long lunch minutes missing normal voting-page work working - 3059204864
Created by dcalive

Happiness of your Dog vs. How long you've been gone.

1098006 1099689 dogs happiness minutes time voting-page - 2313007360

Treadmill Speed of Guy Next to Me

1098006 1099689 attractive exercise impress leaves minutes speed voting-page woman - 2188346112
Created by bsewcicma

Fast-forwarding with DVR

1099689 exit goal minutes Pie Chart press TV voting-page - 3191559936
Created by romesque

counting Image minutes Pie Chart sleep - 4374470912