

Lego my Eggo! Lego are one of the world's most successful toys, and probably a big reason behind games like Minecraft. Building blocks that allowed us to build fantastic scenes and epic battles that kept us occupied for hours. So take a trip back to childhood, or your basement now, and enjoy these hilarious lego memes puns and jokes.

Replotted: But What Happens When Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kicks a Nokia?

chuck norris lego Pie Chart - 5886875392
Created by i_am_the_night_before

lego Pie Chart population war - 4192735488
Created by DomPerignon

lego lost missing narnia Pie Chart - 3872537344


pie charts lego graphs funny - 7545945088

I, For One, Welcome Our New Brick-Overlords

lego xkcd comic - 7866604288
Via xkcd

Step One: Steal Legos

lego Pie Chart vacuum - 5641596416
Created by Unknown

Why Don't They Make Guns That Shoot Legos?

guns lego legos Pie Chart shot - 5459947008
Created by kingboo888

Bar Graph lego ouch pain weapon - 3854578944
Created by sirius1232