

See Also: Staring Vacantly

Babies college humor idiots parents stoners venn diagram - 4583437824
Via College Humor

American Map According to Europeans

americans idiots infographic Maps - 4041717760

Can I Stay With You?

wtf friend idiots - 4503117824
Created by TyphoidMarty

Didn't Even Label Your Axis

graphs funny swag math idiots - 7948539904

Peoples reactions when witnessing an accident

911 call emergency idiots nothing Pie Chart stare Video - 2598480896
Created by electricger

Superpowers I wish I had

computers face flying idiots internet invisible punch superpowers - 1863843584
Created by That_Guy_Behind_You

Types of 911 calls I've answered tonight

911 call drunk emergency idiots - 1453128448
Created by sig20

You Can Only Say One (YCOSO)

yolo swag idiots - 7403486464
Created by wassupwasabi1234

What people do in horror movies

idiots - 7395091968

With Both Hands Free to Drink the Kool-Aid

idiots Pie Chart snuggie - 4462619136
Created by furrybrats2

Is That Even a Real Question?

intelligence bella idiots - 5134546176
Created by N.1HPFAN

People Who Think the South is Full of Idiots

Pie Chart reality tv idiots - 6637198336
Created by CrimsonSparxx

Who Uses Gang Signs

actually cool idiots people venn diagram - 3044146688
Created by treefiddy

Yeah, It's Always Everyone Else That's an Idiot, Isn't It?

idiots internet Pie Chart - 5436270592
Created by fhfghtu