

Why do I even bother clicking in the box every time?

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Created by ewestner ( Via )

Didn't Even Label Your Axis

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How Loud People Fart

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Created by ninjadogs

Three-Star ALL the Levels!

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Things at the Furniture Store

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Created by billypooped191

Sneak Level: Ninja

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Created by Thr35h3r

What Underwear Tags are for

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A Leading Cause of Road Rage

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Created by naturalanthem

Reasons for Volunteering

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Created by RedIronCrown

Reasons To Check Voicemail

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Context is Important

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Created by Vilame

The more realistic option

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Created by heartx


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Created by Unknown

Reasons why your mad

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What My Friends Consider Anime

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Created by clockmakersassistant

You Should Get Over Here Right Now, Bro!

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