

What Women Hear and How Often They Believe It

beautiful believe fat hear sexy smart women - 2393727744
Created by Sosij

Recurring Garfield Jokes

actually comedian fat garfield hearing jokes mom monday new original people Pie Chart said stupid venn diagram - 2946559488
Created by CoffeeshopFrank

Yo Momma's So ERROR

error fat jokes Pie Chart - 4265612544
Created by NEZEN

Taco Bell's 4th meal

ads appearance burgers commercials eat fast food fat food obese package post real life size taco bell TV - 3311174912
Created by SuperErin

Where'd I Put My Eye Bleach?

clothes fat girls Pie Chart - 5282848256

Age vs Tactfulness

adult age child elderly fat Line Graph loud small teen - 2816595968
Created by soul_grafitti

Serving Sizes Then vs Now

eating fat food obese - 6207153408

Airplane seating

airplane angry bladder child fat gum mom monster obese sleeping weight window - 2940187648
Created by cRiS0078

So, Are You Pregnant or What?

fat preggers women - 6576504320
Via I Waste so Much Time

dating fat Pie Chart - 4216399872
Created by silea

In Thirty More Years Kids Will Be the Size of Winnebagos

best of week fat obesity - 5541648640

Attractiveness VS Fatness

fat attractive Gravity - 7685195008

fat garfield Pie Chart - 4025711616

Level of Noise stairs make vs. How late you get home

falling fat guy late Line Graph noises stairs time - 2433159424
Created by Superdupermexican