
Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

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best of week creative hollywood Image Memes movies Other - 6048548096

Hollywood's Waning Creativity

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Thanks, Bear Grylls

flow chart Image internet Memes voting-page - 4038338304

news royal baby Memes - 7689849344

Royal Memes Save the Day

Image Memes - 5973655552

SWAT hand signals

driving hands Image Memes Other - 5678120704

Steering Wheel Hand Positions

Image Memes Other snooki women - 6003481344

Ladies, Welcome to the Future

forever alone socially awkward penguin Memes - 6730081792

Life Story

best of week flow chart Image Memes movies - 6031751168

Morgan Freeman's Chain of Command

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When Will We Forget?

beatles FRIDAY Image lyrics Memes Rebecca Black spreadsheet - 4598273024

Friday Night Arrives Without a Suitcase

Image me gusta Memes Pie Chart spanish - 5304563456

Not Bad

best of week hunger games Image Memes movies Other - 6044181504

Hunger Games Alignment Chart

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Still Think Homosexuality is Sinful?

comics Image internet Memes omg venn diagram - 4461691136