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Sasha Grey Reads Some Creepy Texts

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Behold the Most Awkward Australian Idol Contestant of All Time

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Twitter thread 6 month wall of pandemic | Dr Aisha Ahmad @ProfAishaAhmad 6 month mark any sustained crisis is always difficult have all adjusted this "new normal but might now feel like running out steam. Yet, at best are only 1/3 way through this marathon can keep going? THREAD /x

Twitter Thread: Mentally Dealing with 6 Months of Global Crisis

Weird times, man.
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unlikely and weird stories | visions1013 14 hours ago saw bird unscrew lightbulb once.

People's "No One is Gonna Believe This" Moments

Well alright then.
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A road rager picks on a motorcycle driver, driver takes petty revenge | r/pettyrevenge Join u/Fluffy-Designer Small motorbike vs small waves pinky finger should preface this by saying raised by narcissist and extremely passive-aggressive as result. Years ago bought my first motorbike tiny 125CC bike with my 82kg body weight, could barely do 90km/h on flat road and would lose speed going up hills despite revving as hard as could my first motorbike and loved her with my whole heart.

Road Rager Picks On Motorcycle, Rider Gets Revenge

That dude achieved a whole new shade of rage purple.
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Employee forced to do crazy shift, quits but then gets a raise and promotion | Posted by u/SGCanadian 17 hours ago Gets fired, ends up with promotion instead oc L This story comes used work global big box store may or may not start with W As an aside they also aren't known well they treat staff either TL;DR at bottom. At time this happened worked store room unloading trucks and bringing stock floor be stocked by overnight crew. Our shift at time 330pm-12am. Our store manager made clear no

Employee Walks Out, Gets a Promotion

If only quitting got everyone a raise.
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wtf religion Video - 67174145

The Holy Ghost is Terrifying

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Woman puts a birthday hat on her neighbor's year old pumpkin | WIBTA if put birthday hat on my neighbor's pumpkin? Not hole Obligatory on mobile, apologies any formatting issues share porch with one neighbor, who is notorious not cleaning up after herself or her kids example, one time there broken longboard sitting right front their door they would step over every day get into their unit 7 months, they just ignored until one day asked oldest kid (15M please clean up. He's good kid and instantly

Woman Puts Birthday Hat On Neighbor's Year Old Pumpkin

A definite bold move.
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'Scuse Me Wat R You Doing?

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Passive aggressive notes between neighbors

Passive Aggressive Notes from Angry Neighbors

Okay some are just regular aggressive.
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Tumblr Thread on Patrol Ghost Ship Submarines | pipistrellus STILL ON PATROL learned something new and horrifying today which is no submarine is ever considered "lost there is apparently tradition U.S. Navy no submarine is ever lost. Those go sea and do not return are considered be "still on patrol There is monument about this along canal near here its worst thing have ever seen says "STILL ON PATROL huge letters and then goes on specify exactly many WWII submarine ghosts are STILL OUT THERE

Tumblr Thread: The Still On-Patrol Submarines

Yeah, that's wild.
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Oh God, What's Happening to Me?

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Got Relationship Problems? Then You Need a Relationship Expert!

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