
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

A choosing beggar assumes helpful stranger will pay for new computer.

Choosing Beggar Asks For Computer Help, Assumes Stranger Will Pay For It

Entitled Bride cancels wedding and takes 30k in donations wedding gifts for herself

Insanely Entitled Bride Cancels Wedding, Refuses To Return $30k In Gifts

Reddit - 8259064320

This dumb@ss Redditor Thinks That an Upvote Will Cheer Up a Relative of Three Passengers on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17

Funny and cringey social media posts | kleo mcq @kleo_patraa Pretty sure just received best fake ID my bartending career girl handed my missing license 2 years ago | Rashed, 23 Tinder profile pic of guy posing in front of the twin towers

Cringey Attempts That Turned Into Major Fails

People describe the worst Valentine's Day gifts that they ever received. | wacht 3y Once ordered my girlfriend flowers didn't arrive (or were stolen porch so gave her delivery confirmation instead not as funny as thought would be.

Worst Valentine's Day Gifts People Received

A collection of dumb things people did that made them question their own intelligence | pollypostmormon 2y sitting traffic, and noticed all other lanes were moving while mine hadn't budged an inch craned my neck trying see hold up and finally figured out wasn't lane at all, but had been patiently waiting behind line parked cars.

Times People Questioned Their Own Intelligence

A new dad ends up leaving the delivery room because his fiancée shouts her ex's name | AITA walking out delivery room while my fianc giving birth? Not hole This happened two weeks ago, my 28M fiance 26F and just had baby boy and 's been difficult already without her being upset with after happened met her at bar used hang out with my friends at dated 8 months, and decided propose she told she pregnant and wanted have baby both agreed on getting married after our baby is born, She introduced my

Dad Leaves Delivery Room Cause Fiancée Shouts Ex's Name

Askreddit thread about shady and sketchy secrets from various professions | hopefulcynicx 9h markup on glasses (specifically frames) is stupid ridiculous can buy frame 4, then turn around sell 160. Lenses too lenses cost us under $10 can easily be marked up 100 mean business is business but taking advantage people who can't see is sorta shitty lol Reply 950

30+ People Share Shady Secrets From Their Industries

Manager tries to embarrass an employee, and ends up self destructing | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/Darigone Total Humiliation told should post this here [TL:DR] Manager used my report meeting set an example Only manager be humiliated by same report work security and have been years common practice is complete report happened during time specifically work patrols. Basically go location location checking on each site

Manager Tries To Embarrass Employee, Proceeds To Self Destruct

A petty revenge tale about a driver that got their comeuppance. | r/pettyrevenge u/-avenged 7h Join 1 3 1 1 So not hurry? Okay then guess don't need overtake, right bit context right-hand drive country, rightmost lane on freeway is fast/overtaking lane and give way faster vehicles regardless fast they're going, even if at speed limit. Basically have no right police anyone's speed as civilian.

Driver Teaches Road Rager A lesson In Petty Revenge

A boss' self importance ends up resulting in his own ultimate downfall | She saw him and made some excuses and spoke her manager. She basically said manager this guys pulling fast one He agreed manager: understand have been overcharged on some meat? Dick: Yes and want refund on double difference!

Boss' Self-Importance Results In His Own Undoing

A collection of the dumbest things that people said in all seriousness. | AngryOrca1 There is no proof earth is round Reply

Dumbest Things People Have Said In All Seriousness

An entitled bridezilla ends up cancelling her wedding and keeping $30K gifts for herself | Bride Hi invitées wedding! After much reflection and tear filled conversation with our closest family members have decided cancel our upcoming winter wedding will further notify this group are better place reschedule thank each and every one generous early donations our money fund. Can believe have raised over $30,000 Unbelievable! Don't worry money donated will not be spent vain but rather used towards

Bridezilla Cancels Wedding, Keeps $30K Of Gifts For Herself

Gamer accidentally bottlenecks his PC for three years | r/tifu u/theRAMlord TIFU by accidentally severely bottlenecking my PC over 3 years. M TL;DR at bottom waffled built my first ever PC around 3.5 years ago s pretty budget but thought 500 spending on parts would be pretty decent. So follow couple youtube tutorials build and everything worked fine first try my absolute surprise. Over course 3 years, lI've never had one problem with other than pretty slow and could only run games on low

Gamer Accidentally Severely Bottlenecks PC For Years

A CEO doesn't understand how departments work so he brings in a Karen that messes it all up | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/ACFF 1y CEO didn't understand my department did apparently L Update at bottom. Thanks so much up votes and silver, gold and platinum really didn't think this would take off like this. Some backstory general troubleshooter my company. My job involved lot travelling different clients support. My area work is Ontario, Canada (where am based out and some nearby States United

CEO Doesn't Understand What Departments Do, Karen Catastrophe Ensues

Parent forces their vegan daughter to cook meat after she tosses their chili | AITA forcing my vegan daughter cook meat? Not hole My daughter (16F) has been vegan about year my husband and her brother (14M) have tried be as supportive as possible aren't family eats meat daily, so wasn't hard accommodate her do cook meat also make something else her and keep side dishes common all. She does have some seperate dishes, but most are common and clean if have cook her.

Parent Forces Vegan Daughter To Cook Meat