

Dad wants a free painting, gets turned down, and then won't pay the babysitter | Hi went pick up kids today saw had some empty canvas am looking gift my wife family portrait seen style and like wondering if be down could gift us as Christmas present love paint guys but saving those canvases have something on my mind. Or have paid commission. They're gallery style and are quite expensive at moment could probably paint them portrait fairly cheap if can get provide canvas yourself.

Dad Wants Free Painting, Gets Turned Down, Won't Pay Babysitter

These people are actually real.
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A collection of the funny fail texts that we need. | Person - @Onision 11m Take an IQ test. If is low, don't Onision tweet. Ever. Q 14 278 52 @Onision 13m will literally block being dumb discriminate heavily against people with low IQs. Onision 15 277 O 78

Extra Spicy Geniuses With Golden Banter

On point.
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rude and disrespectful houseguests | gen3stang My cousin punched my wall. Left hole and started laughing he got his first house went over and punched hole right wall waited 11 years do .

Amazingly Disrespectful Things Done By Houseguests

How hard is it to be decent?
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A collection of funny, cheesy, and crude pickup lines from people on Tinder | Makenna MATCHED WITH MAKENNA ON 10/9/20 not gonna lie l'm not fan bio bro now PLAYING: Who asked (Feat: Nobody)

Tinder Pickup Lines That Had Zero Shame

It's almost impressive in its own right.
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Petty friend wants to plagiarize, and gets swiftly shut down | iMessage Today 2:07 PM want read poetry book talked about this like 4 years ago? And are talking about one wrote and am selling 12? Yes No offense, but have on purpose being able make money only really let family members read sorry

Petty Friend Wants To Plagiarize, Gets Shut Down

Rightfully rejected.
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news FAIL Video - 68856065

No, Reporter Person, His Name is Link, Not Zelda

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A choosing beggar asks a man to drive hundreds of miles to look at soil | hello would need talk about seeds please hello saw accept invitation are ready talk Hi mate s up? C sent seeds on reddit post but doesnt grow oh right, did remember add soil and water and time?

Choosing Beggar Asks Man To Drive Hundreds Of Miles To Assess Soil

It really be like that.
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people who regretted treating themselves | mozgw4 2 days ago 2 3 3 3 Thought never been on cruise want go on cruise now So booked 2 week Caribbean cruise suite, with wife. Who, on arrival, decided she didn't like anymore and spent 2 weeks avoiding so spent 2 weeks on my own on this bloody ship divorced now.

People Who Tried To Treat Themselves and Failed

It's not so simple.
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ouch FAIL vine basketball - 64407041

MSU Student Tries to Dunk in Front of a Packed Auditorium, Gets Summarily Rekt

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Karen demands that a perfect stranger work a shift for a store they don't work for. | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/SirXanthor 5h Join 3 Karen demands work shift store don't work XL Few weeks ago woken by phone call at about 5:13am by some snotty woman demanding work weekend don't even work them or retail matter. This is all went down:

Karen Demands Stranger Work Shift For Store They Don't Work At

You've got the wrong person, Karen.
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FAIL britains got talent comedy Video - 65569537

You Might Want to Ask That Comedy School for a Refund

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cars FAIL Video white people - 75363585

The Whip and Nae Nae Are Dead (And This Priority Motorsports Video Was the Final Nail in the Coffin)

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FAIL embarrassing Video - 77774849

If You Only Have One Chance to Impress Waka Flocka, Don't Do This

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The most hypocritical behavior that people ever witnessed. | StandCroissant 2d 1 Award My girlfriend criticises always being on my phone yet is seemingly unaware much she is on hers.

Most Hypocritical Behavior People Witnessed

Hypocrites are the worst.
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Karen goes through a series of angry mental gymnastics over a parking space.

Karen Goes Through Angry Mental Gymnastics Over Parking Space

Boss move, indeed.
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funny not my job fail moments | AMBULANCE EMERGENCY ENTERTRANCE | case sink overheats or catches fire kitchen design not thought out properly

"Not My Job" Moments from The World's Slackers

Keep up the good work.
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