Art of Trolling


Do you have Snapchat? Great now you're like the rest of the world. Social media has given us easier and faster access to friends and connections around the world, and whoever came up with the idea of 10 20 second clips that get deleted after viewing, you broke the internet congratulations.

A Matter of Perspective

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Kids Are Weird

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Screw You, Granny


Snapchat Has So Many Uses

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Just Wait Until Someone Puts It in Their Hair

spiders hair image Just Wait Until Someone Puts It in Their Hair
Via tastefullyoffensive
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When Ruining Photos Isn't Enough, Now Your Annoying Boyfriend is Ruining Your Snap Stories

View Video

Miss You Too

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Ladies, Please, One at a Time


"Der Der Der, Look at Me, I'm Teacher!"




My Squad Roll Deep

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If It Were Actually My Car They Might Even Be Better

image license plate snapchat If It Were Actually My Car They Might Even Be Better
Via hand

Now This is the Snapchat All About How My Life Got Flipped, Turned Upside Down


When You're Still Saving up for a Car but You Have to Take a Behind the Wheel Selfie

image snapchat bus When You're Still Saving up for a Car but You Have to Take a Behind the Wheel Selfie
Via yung-smoov

This Isn't as Exciting as You Said It Would Be...

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Vacation is Awesome!

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