Art of Trolling


You're Gone from Work for ONE Day

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Via 28Days6Hours42Minutes12Seconds
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The Headless Drive-Thru Prank

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Uh, Sir, There.... There's Something on Your Back

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Mother of the Year

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Created by xxSELMAxx

Vicious Bear Chases Man

Via Scilentor

So Lifelike

Via eloquince
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This Zombie Prank Shows That Very Few People Would Be Brave Enough to Deal With a Person Coming Back to Life

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Thunder Fans Are Trolling Kevin Durant by Leaving Bad Reviews of His Restaurant

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Would You Help a Prisoner Escape the Police?

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One of a Thousand Reasons It Sucks to Have Older Brothers

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Is It Still a Prank If I Wasn't Kidding... ?

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Via stubbornAnalyst

Firefighter Trolls Kids By Sounding The Sirens Inside

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Created by ToolBee
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Prankster Lee Nelson Hijacks FIFA Press Conferences to Shower Sepp Blatter in Fake Money

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Obviously The Biggest Best Man Duty is Pranking the Newlyweds' House Before They Come Back From Their Honeymoon

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Via distinguishedbaloney
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Gather Your Friends for an Elaborate Prank Instead of a Party This Halloween

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