
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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We've Got All the Important Details About That Terrifying Donald Trump Cake Right Here

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Celebrate National Cat Day With 13 Gifs of Cats Being Adorable Little Trouble Monsters

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People of the Internet Have Great Suggestions of What Obama Could Hide in the White House to Mess With Trump


You May Not Like It, but These Memes About the Ideal "Make" Body Are What Peak Performance Looks Like

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Some People Are Taking Claims That 'The Simpsons' Can Predict the Future a Little Too Far

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Hustle. Loyalty. Respect.

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This Guy's Thoughtful Hotel Room Request For His Girlfriend is a Jurassic Win in Customer Serivce

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Change One Vowel and You've Got a Completely Different Movie

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53 Things Donald Trump Has Definitely Searched for on Google

Youtubers that may have over embellished their stories just a tiny bit

When YouTubers Exaggerate During Storytime

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Twitter Users Share Amazing "Facts" About What Was Going on in the World Last Time the Cubs Won the World Series

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They Can't All Be C, Right?

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Chipotle Still Doesn't Have That E. Coli Thing Figured Out, and These Trolls are Taking Full Advantage

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10 Bike Trolls That'll Make You Want to Dust Off the Ol' Helmet

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Go Back to the First Grade

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David Cameron Tried to Tweet About Watching a Space Launch, Can't Catch a Break