
It's the 'Gram. An entire generation of lazy kids has turned a social media platform into a successful lifestyle. Where was this when we worked at gas stations and movie theaters. It is a craze that has swept the world and left little privacy in its wake. Show check out some of the best Insta memes and gifs and everything in between and satisfy that urge to add a Story.

instagram pranks Video - 236551

This is How to Prank Someone Who's Afraid of Bugs

Behind the Scenes Footage of How the New Instagram Logo Was Designed

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Everything's Better When It's Vintage!

Hilarious Trolling Recreations of  Celebrity Instagram Photos

Woman Trolls Celebrity Instagram Photos & The Results Are Hilarious

Funny picture of someone threatening to give a concussion to people who Instagram their meal.

Funny Pictures: Instagraming Threat

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