Art of Trolling

g rated

Thanks for Making Me Feel Terrible Again!

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Whatever, I'll Start My Own Book of World Records!

guinness world records g rated win - 7876017664

The Only Way to Run

Via velaniswin


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Phantom Body Syndrome

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Sorry About Your Spine, Bro

ouch gifs fail nation g rated - 8426098432
Via opsas

My Body Wasn't Ready Yet

twerking nintendo failbook g rated - 7870116608

So... Uhh... Why is "Free" in Quotation Marks?

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Dreaming Leads to Harsh Reality

richard dawkins has his genome mapped
Via Mike Pants

Protip: Keep an Urn and Say It's Full of Ashes

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Via rharlow

Someone Call the Grammar Police!

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Your Lease is Up!

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And Now I Sit Upon the Plastic Throne

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We've Reached Peak Dad Humor

Via frizzielizzie83

Go Ahead, Do It

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For a LEGO Fan, This is Less of a Prank and More of a "Welcome Back" Present

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Via jrazzz12