Art of Trolling


The Price of Fame

facebook forever alone Rage Comics - 5048391936
Created by Dschdsch ( Via )

Nurrrbuddy Currrrs

derp facebook horse status - 5945361152
Created by Unknown


facebook Other politics rant reported voting-page - 3779287552

Your Van is Really Cool Too

facebook mustache pedobear - 6133956096
Created by EarlGray93

Her Brain is Clearly Missing

anatomy facebook organs stupid - 5973304832
Created by Unknown

You Gonna Use Those Balls to Make Me?

balls facebook tennis that sounds naughty - 6396744448
Created by Unknown

I Don't Have a Heart, but I Do Have a Brain

annoying facebook status - 5234660608
Created by ILuffNinjawz

If You Insist

captcha facebook humping - 4969631488


africa america facebook voting-page - 6530276864
Created by Sup123


metal facebook band - 7036840704

That's His Real Name, Right?

yolo facebook - 7085562880

Evolution Has Its Perks

facebook shooting thumbs voting-page - 6631022848
Created by Ecto_1

The Xbox Thing Was a Personal Issue

facebook honesty ouch - 5588964096
Created by le_durp

There Whenever You Need Them!

facebook friends - 5685137920
Created by jaymorock98

Grab Your Cotton Candy and Speedos...

backwards facebook future lemonparty old time - 4542228224
Created by Unknown

What a Shame

disappoint facebook little girl pedobear - 4775010048