Art of Trolling


I Do Believe in Wizards, I Do!

books drunk Harry Potter - 6563378688
drunk trolltube peeing Video - 69224193

Pee on These Walls and They'll Pee on You Right Back!

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Amsterdam alcohol drunk Netherlands trolltube - 60170241

Drunkenly Pissing on Public Property? Then Prepare to Face the Wrath of the Firehose Man...

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drunk scotland trolltube Video - 74362113

This Scottish Bro Can't Say "Purple Burglar Alarm" for the Life of Him

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7 Years and He Hasn't Learned?

drunk IRL passed out - 5273247744
Via imgur

Thonbs Wamtart!

drunk Walmart failbook g rated - 7836487936

When Dad Passes Out After Family Dinner

trolling meme drunk dad covered in guacamole
Via scottbaiowfulf

Classic: What Are You Even Doing Here?

drunk IRL mom - 4829268480

What if they dunk it in the toilet?

computer drunk kids these days school toilet - 4427515136

Come and Get 'Em

attractive drunk sign - 6542735104

Yeah, That's a Good Enough Reason

drunk twilight jerks idiots funny - 8449706240

Gettin' Hammered Before I Get Slammered

beer drinking drunk arrested dui funny police - 7533451776

I Swear to Drunk I'm Not God

drunk impossible IRL no - 5098596864
Created by -Ghost-

Have You Ever Been So Drunk

Sometimes you just want to be a drunk unicorn
Via Nicocv25

Time to Feel Drunk!

alcohol drunk escalator Video - 73410561

This Drunk Dude is Going to Have a Long Escalator Ride

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