
Omegle is an open chat website which is a recipe for hilariousness when combined with the ability to screenshot. You really never know what you'll find, or see, or who. It's truly the modern day chat roulette of yore. So check out some of the best Omegle moments you'll ever see and remember these people the next time you log on.

Han Solo Omegle star wars - 3735061248

Han shot first...

Canada FAIL justin bieber Omegle - 4581796608

Now He's Stealing Our Women!

Omegle sign language funny asl - 6807705600

Internet > Disabilities

girl guy horny horse i own a horse Omegle talking - 4355963648

Admit It, You Meant C+D

Omegle roleplay - 7634817792

So Hawt

mormon Omegle - 5830183936

Mormons Women Fit the Bill

Omegle organs strangers - 3226794752


asl Omegle zombie - 5042328832

You May Not Have My Brains

Harry Potter justin bieber Omegle spymode - 5699763200

Can't Tell If Trolling or Both of You Should Go Die In a Fire

Omegle lemon party shock sites - 6787384576

Rated M for Mature

Omegle girls - 4238147840

I F-ing N-O That Already!

jokes math oblivious Omegle - 5091204864

I Think You Miscalculated

future global warming magnets mormons Omegle - 4262771968

The Future Is Grim

Omegle alphabet - 7102127360

I Know My Alphabet!

genitals location Omegle sexytimes - 5154643712

I Prefer Fat Rolls

asl dumb Omegle omniscient - 6422691840

That's the Best You've Got?