Art of Trolling


Omegle is an open chat website which is a recipe for hilariousness when combined with the ability to screenshot. You really never know what you'll find, or see, or who. It's truly the modern day chat roulette of yore. So check out some of the best Omegle moments you'll ever see and remember these people the next time you log on.

Such a Funny Joke

Omegle spymode - 5151361024
Created by Fallen Phoenix

The Biebinator...

future justin bieber Omegle terminator - 4289139712
Created by ooginator

Nope, just the second troll in a long line of many

magnets Omegle teacher - 4510916352
Created by SpacemanSpliff

The Student Has Become the Master

Omegle rick roll - 6315467008
Created by likeabaw5

Scars of the Past

Omegle horny - 4232761088

Why Would You Do This to Me?

Omegle the game - 7312487424
Created by APersonOnTheInternet

Attraction, Which Is Also What Pulls Me to You

asl magnets Omegle - 4887550720
Created by Michi.Troll

Like My Vote Counts for Anything

election obama Omegle spymode voting - 6343608320
Created by pilotavery

Who? That's Who!

Omegle doctor who - 5888166144
Created by ClaraGrobanfan

Maury Will Prove You Aren't the Father

maury Omegle spymode - 5846916864
Created by strife1010

I Would Have Surrendered

dd Omegle roleplay - 5295021056
Created by Unknown

There's No Choice Here

justin bieber Omegle Rebecca Black spymode - 5872695808
Created by chimaro

Was it something I said?

Omegle ex chat - 6940019968
Created by masta666

We Need an Expert

best of week bomb Omegle spymode - 5209452544

Let's Make an Omedley!

Omegle singing spymode what is love - 5699847680
Created by gonzo187

He ain't heavy, he's your asl

Omegle asl - 7051777536
Created by lolpete