
Omegle is an open chat website which is a recipe for hilariousness when combined with the ability to screenshot. You really never know what you'll find, or see, or who. It's truly the modern day chat roulette of yore. So check out some of the best Omegle moments you'll ever see and remember these people the next time you log on.

disconnect forever alone Omegle - 4266550016

Omegle Alone

Omegle sexy times wizards - 3262223104


fun gay guy Omegle typo - 4366548224

Just a Fungi

dinosaur lesbian Omegle - 3750351360

I guess it doesn't matter what you are...

asl Omegle - 4624797440

I Don't Care Who You Are

Omegle justin bieber - 4260740864

It's Really You!

knock knock Omegle - 3784887040


ascii art cybering Omegle t rex - 3235751168


Canada FAIL justin bieber Omegle - 4581796608

Now He's Stealing Our Women!

disco knock knock Omegle so close - 6500735744

Some Faith in Omegle Restored

Omegle computer system 32 - 6980800768

Delete System 32

dating Omegle ouch relationships - 5597976320

I'm Totally Over It Though

britain dumb england english france Omegle - 4273188864

Not the Brightest Bulb on the Isle

Omegle peen length chat - 4268473344

That's Still Pretty Big

burn cards lost Omegle Pokémon stranger virginity - 4413944320

Stranger Is Burned!

asl armpits france Omegle - 5309524480

I'll Take That as a No