Art of Trolling

Unlike the 'Diarrhea' Movies, Which Just Keep Releasing Sequels

diarrhea texting - 7896369664

Can't Tell If Epic Troll or Too Soon

911 hacked twitter - 5186205184

Sometimes You Just Want to Watch Things Fall

politics Sarah Palin youtube - 6263964672

Serious Question

david bowie england Rebecca Black Yahoo Answer Fails - 4645609216

Classic: Never Gonna Find My Pics

pr0n rick roll - 5741933056
Created by sergeMan

"Can I Have a Large Number 3, Please?"

McDonald's - 7953725184

Why Don't You Shut Up, How About That?

nerds youtube youtube comments aladdin - 7401517824

Every Single Day

billboard IRL punch - 6534793984
Created by ke5ehi


america really shame usa - 3325215232
Created by arreisenlaluz9

Get 'Em While They're Hot

Dead People necrophilia Omegle - 5102589696
Created by w00ster

Live Long and Prosper

facebook Star Trek that sounds naughty - 5840205824
Created by Ginga-Ninja

It's Only Henna

IRL name tattoo - 4794965760
Via I Raff I Ruse

Make Up Your Mind

Yahoo Answer Fails - 5763635456
Created by Unknown

Honest Customer Support

customer support south park icon
Via mattypanda

Didn't Your Parents Warn You?

danger Omegle parents stranger - 4586475520
Created by mwcafac91
the Beatles Music Video - 81934081

The Beatles Seem a Little Less Impressive Without Music