Art of Trolling

Drowning is Bad, Mmkay?

danger drowning IRL sign - 6215880448

Disregard Authority, Acquire Seat

wheelchairs - 8171899904

Free Hugs!?

Free Hugs balloon - 6894432256
fat skateboard troll vs troll Video - 18747905

Trolling the Troll

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If You Insist *Unzips*

sign IRL that sounds naughty burgers - 8753125376

I Won't Die, But You Must Die!

Bad Translator Death dying - 7228085248
Created by strawberryfanatic


circles - 6769286144
Created by hecateguy

Sneaking Into a Trump Rally: Priceless

IRL donald trump politics - 8745573120

Oh Hey, Nice to Meet You!

snapchat phones texting - 8102749440
cute dad kid Video youtube - 29980161

World's Cutest Troll

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So Close to the Romance You Can Taste It

love life for the guy in blue
Via Baby McHaggis

Ask Yourself the Tough Questions

Cheezburger Image 8284719616

Trolling From Beyond The Grave

fat people bench - 7020184832
Created by freshbru

Mystery Meat Sale!

IRL sale sign typo - 5338375168
Created by Unknown

Fabulous Enough for a God

image hair puns Thor - 8814964736
Via hansthegerman

That Bird Makes Me Nervous

chicken wtf - 5448248832
Created by ThisIsAMeme