Art of Trolling

He's Adorable!

adorable cute beautiful hot - 7891021568

You Hit the Braille on the Head

braille helen keller parking - 7948880384

IRL Troll: Pedobear Incognito

beard IRL pedobear santa - 4272609024

Oh God It's Like a Time Machine Back to 2000!

conspiracy keanu - 8036137216

Y U No Connect With Me!?

creeper missed connections shoppers beware wtf - 5519746048
calculators magnets numbers Video - 18724353

It's a Miracle

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Suddenly I Mouth Into Eyeball

medication - 8349015040

C'mon, C'mon!

driving traffic - 8164041216

It's So You, Though!

girlfriends t shirts shirts dating - 8296247552
Music whales Video - 83731713

According to This Song, No Matter What Choices You Make, No One Can Save the Whales

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I'm Gonna Have to Say Negatory on That One...

fortunes fortune cookies - 7920240896

Guess You Haven't Seen Enough

japanese entertainment map spelling - 5209687296
Created by DarkHorseRomeo

Red Ring of Girlfriend Time

broken xbox - 4607925760
Created by LeFlamingDragon

What's my age again?

blink 182 - 7816679936
Created by ElizabethMc

I Tried to Bend the Bars But They Won't Budge!

packages - 8135289856

Hello, I Would Like to Pre-Pay for 700 of Your Worst Alcohol, Please

funny sign drinking to forget
Via bicpensandrazors