Video Games


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

smexy times Yu-Gi-Oh! innuendo puns Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! - 8333982976
Via lilcosco

Super Smash Puns

mario puns super smash bros web comics - 8237804800
Via Fanboys

Dragonborn Puns

dragonborn puns Skyrim - 8207244544

She's So Shy When I Look at Her

mario puns web comics - 8168521984
Via Some Thomas


puns zelda wind waker - 8137731584
Via incubeezer

Cool New Feature in Mario Kart 8

puns Mario Kart - 8123229952
Via Google
call of duty puns video games - 59355905

These Puns Are Killer

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I Have No Edea What That Is

bravely default puns 3DS - 8098254336
Created by Megamean09

That's PUNishing

pun puns video games web comics - 8028921088
Via Some Thomas

Nice One, Re-Logic

puns names - 7880003840
Created by BloodyThumbsDown

Jokes and Stuff

puns animal crossing wordplay - 7642535680
Created by Taistelubanaani

What a Massive Pun

mass effect puns funny - 7522333696

Cod Never Did Anything to You

call of duty puns fish cod animals - 7412095488
videos puns trailers video games - 49942529

It's Never as Special as the First Time, Doesn't Mean You Can't Do it Again

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Super Animal Crossing Bros.

puns falcon punch animal crossing wordplay captain falcon - 7165992448
Via sarah-crossing
breakfast videos puns dead space bread - 47908097

Bread Space: Don't cRYE

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