Totally Looks Like

Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.


boy gollum Lord of the Rings movies - 3225502720
Created by 7-7-7

This Cat Totally Looks Like Gothmog from LOTR

cat funny gothmog Lord of the Rings TLL - 6410553344
Created by hughsullivan


gandalf Lord of the Rings walt whitman - 1781191424
Created by p0rkch0psandwhiches


elrond Hugo Weaving Lord of the Rings Music - 2862322688
Created by Shufflebored

This Pancake Totally Looks Like Eye of Sauron

funny TLL food pancake Lord of the Rings Eye of Sauron - 6688281600
Created by adria_nyxx

Flour Covered Cat Totally Looks Like Orc That Killed Boromir

Cats Lord of the Rings orcs totally looks like - 7911673344
Created by Aroughs


cult films Lord of the Rings sloth - 1585244416
Created by atmosphotography

Nashville Totally Looks Like Mordor (Eye of Sauron)

Eye of Sauron funny Lord of the Rings TLL - 6368199168
Created by kmcculle


Eye of Sauron jrr-tolkein lamp light Lord of the Rings - 2733768704
Created by nbond99

Creepy Cat Totally Looks Like Gollum

cat Lord of the Rings gollum Movie TLL - 7029857792
Created by chubbydino99


cult films Lord of the Rings sloth - 1419766528
Created by jozanovic

Thom Yorke Totally Looks Like Gollum

Thom Yorke Lord of the Rings gollum TLL The Hobbit - 6984000512

This Guy Totally Looks Like Smeagol (Lord of the Rings)

funny gollum guy Lord of the Rings TLL - 6187659520
Created by likewhoha

Lady in the Water Totally Looks Like Frodo Baggins

actors actresses elijah wood Lord of the Rings movies - 4621048576
Created by betchacantride

Balrog from LOTR Totally Looks Like Red Bull from The Last Unicorn

Lord of the Rings TLL - 6926906112


actor gollum jrr-tolkein lindsay lohan Lord of the Rings movies - 2075205888
Created by joejoe551133
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