

cover image of a frog holding a knife

Surreal Tumblr Ads Are Really Weirding People Out

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crazy florida man headline news

10 Florida Man Moments Of Pure WTF-ery

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Why Is This Necessary

'Country Roads' seagull telling you not to remove your debit card during a transaction, and then screaming for you to remove it

Well Then

Caption that reads, "Horrifying finger attachment lets your phone touch you back" above a pic of someone holding a smartphone with a creepy finger-attachment on it
Via goofygoofygoofygooberrock


YouTube video titled, "Man locks himself in hot car to prove that babies and dogs are cowards"
Via johnsaysthings


Caption that reads, "*Enters password;* WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG; *resets password;* 'new password can't be your old password'" above pics of a woman trying to figure out math equations on a board
Via emptymyphone


Tweet that reads, "What y'all mad about today?" someone comments "It costs money to get things added on your food but they don't subtract when you take things off"
Via BigFuckingRocket

Didn't Need That Info

Shower thoughts Tumblr post where someone points out that your belly button is just your 'old mouth'
Via JamieLeBas


Tumblr post that reads, "Every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough;" someone replies, "I'm gonna show this to my production manager and watch her head explode"
Via Fairy0T0ale

Good Question

Text conversation where one person asks their tall friend how tall people sleep at night if the blanket doesn't cover their entire bodies
Via alledelgardo
funny printer memes becoming a new obsession

Printer Memes Are The Internet's Most Moronic New Obsession

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Girl sends out an 'exit survey' to everyone she dates after they break up
Via anlyin
Disgusting Recipes 1950s

Tumblr Post About Disgusting Recipes Will Make You REALLY Glad You Don't Live In The '50s

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I Hope Dinesh Knew How To Swim

Text message conversation that shows an Uber driver apparently driving in a body of water
Via Shippo273
Mildly Disturbing Pics, phone twisted in a bike's chain

32 Mildly Disturbing Pics To Put You In A Real Weird Mood

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Gosh Darn it

Caption that reads, "I hate it when you see a sign and suddenly your plans are ruined" above a photo of a sign that depicts a person riding a triceratops with an X over it
Via Onceuponapond