

I'd Bet People That Live There Are Happier

unless you like cops, don't smoke weed in 46 of the 40 states
Via Princeartemthefirst

USA Is Always Behind

america funny usa - 8416299264
Created by beernbiccies

An Alternate Past

usa sad but true web comics - 8417311744
Via Caps Off Please

Shove it North Korea... and Sony While We're at It

usa presidents North Korea george washington - 8406962176
Created by Sup123

Canada is Apparently in the US

Canada funny t shirts usa wtf - 8396480768
Via Capasauras

I Beg Your Pardon!

food funny idiots usa sign - 8396484864
Via Cairojack

So It's Made in the USA?

funny usa wtf - 8396481536
Via Exzilio

The World According to Home Depot

usa home depot idiots - 8392951296
Via niknik2121

The USA Loves Belgium

belgium usa funny - 8393359104
Via akcent9108

Mind Blown

usa funny - 8393370880
Via MrEdj

How You Know You're in America

jesus usa wtf military funny - 8393342720
Via Cloew11

You Can't Be Surprised

usa China flag funny - 8390901760

This is Basically What Those Fat Cats in Washington Think

usa sad but true web comics - 8377949952
Via Depressed Alien

You're Still on This?

usa conspiracy constitution funny - 8375966720

Choose Wisely

Canada usa voting funny - 8369161984

This is What Europe Thinks of The United States

europe usa guns gifs sad but true - 8359760640
Created by rhipone