

valentines, candy, sweets, chocolate bar, hot chocolate, chocolate chips, white chocolate, chocolate milk, funny memes, Memes, valentine, candy bar, candies, chocolate, Valentines day

20+ Chocolate Memes To Give Away For Valentines Day

I remember when they first invented chocolate
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Few Consider This

Caption that reads, "As an 'adult' I always forget that I can buy a cake whenever I want and no one can stop me" above a pic of a chocolate cake
Via LeoSenior

The Best Definition Ever Given

Tweet that reads, "Office culture is someone bringing in donuts and everyone for some reason refusing to take a whole one and cutting off 3/8 of the donut and then at the end of the day there's like 17/25ths of nine different donuts left"
Via anlyin


Pic of a slice of cake cut so that it says, "Ha fat" over a caption that reads, "I was handed this piece of cake today..."
Via Sissano