
public transportation

Funny stories from subways, nyc subway.

Subway Horror Story Thread Is A Wild Ride Of Cringe And Hilarity

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It's Called Fashion Sweaty, Look It Up

Caption that reads, "Y'all ever just say 'fuck it' and ride the subway with a piece of lettuce on your head?" above a pic of a woman on a bus with lettuce on her head
Via CringeCreator

Look Away

Caption that reads, "When you make eye contact with a stranger on public transport" above panel pics of puppet characters awkwardly looking at each other and then looking away
Via doodlydoodledumdum

The Hero We Needed

Caption that reads, "This lil a**hole wouldn't move his legs for three adults, so this guy comes and just SITS on his legs" above a pic of a little kid playing video games while taking up three seats; then a guy comes and sits on top of his legs and people around him look shocked
Via MsClearSIight

The Dedication

Caption that reads, "A woman on the subway printed out 15 pages of Facebook posts and is just reading the comments" above a pic of a woman reading through a packet of paper on the subway
Via 420blazeitbitchez
life hacks and tips

20 Crucial Common-Sense Tips That Are WAY Too Often Overlooked

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He Attac

Caption that reads, "I feel like this crab is threatening me" above a seafood advertisement with a pic of a crab and a text blurb that reads, "Get out of London"
Via NotDan1138

Hahahahaha Good One!

Tumblr post about how you've had secret crushes on passing people and how you're that person for so many other people
Via ShawnicTheHedgehog
funny thank the bus driver memes

19 More 'Thank The Bus Driver' Memes For The Ethically Superior

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Funny dank memes about people who say thank you to the bus driver.

10 'Thank The Bus Driver' Memes That'll Remind You To Be Polite

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public transportation horror stories

19 Horrifying Public Transit Stories That Are Sure To Make Your Skin Crawl

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Try to Take Your Commute Seriously

web comics comedy public transportation Try to Take Your Commute Seriously
Via robospunk

Occasionally, Inaction Ends up Being the Best Action

Via frumpuskrumpus

Public Transportation Stress in a Nutshell

Via wisebrownmonkey

What the Bus to Work Looks Like Every Morning

funny memes bus no question marks
Via f*ckabbott
gifs public transportation web comics - 76793601

How To Fix Public Transportation

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