

daycare, school, nap, kids, asleep, teachers, teacher, parenting, napping, naps, little kids, sleep, sleeping, Parenting Fail, falling asleep, Parenting FAILS, preschool

'I got scolded for letting a 2-year-old nap': Parents demand pre-school teacher stop their kids from napping, claims it makes bedtime too difficult

Those are their prime napping years
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toxic boyfriend, boyfriend, cleaning, relationship, lazy, asleep, relationships, girlfriend, napping, naps, chores, sleep, reddit thread, laziness, Reddit, sleeping

'He is getting 14-15 hours of sleep every day': Lazy boyfriend refuses to do more chores because of daily 4 hour nap

That's too much sleep
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memes, funny memes, relatable, relatable memes, sleeping, sleep, sleepy, sleep memes, nap, nap memes, napping naps, tired, dreams, adulting, adulting memes

25 Nap Memes for Those Craving a Lil Midday Sleep

Hitting pause on life
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ask reddit, kid, things kids say, kids, adulting, old people rock, adult, askreddit, naps, old people, adulthood, adults, reddit thread, Reddit sleeping, children

People Share 'Old People' Things They Hated as Children, But Love as Adults

Talking > Playing
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funniest napatizer memes for the sleepiest people

Sleeper Memes for the Sleepiest of Jokesters That are Constantly Exhausted

I'd rather be napping right now...
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Funny and relatable starter pack memes, lol, neckbeards, food memes, dank memes

20 Impressively Specific Starter Pack Memes

Can't argue with these.
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Funny memes about working and being tired all the time, relatable memes, dank memes, baby yoda memes, baby yoda work memes, twin peaks memes, overcaffeinated, anxiety | baby yoda and old yoda: Just getting work Leaving at end shift. My fifth cup coffee wondering why having panic attack.

Relatable Memes For People Burning The Candle At Both Ends

What is sleep?
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So Dumb

Funny tweet about napping.
Via Reddit

Naps: Almost Never A Good Idea

"Before nap: I'm tired; After nap: It's worse now"
Via Doomgriever

We Believe It

Funny meme about napping forever.
Via pleatedjeans

Oops I Did It Again

Funny meme about taking naps.
Via Crippling Things

Every Damn Time

Funny meme about taking naps.
Via dabmoms

Just A Quick One

Funny meme with a dachsund dog asleep on a desk, saying when you have a lot to do but you take a nap anyway.
Via therealhousedogsofla
Collection of funny memes about work, mcdonalds, cats, naps, masturbation, marriage, the weekend, lady gaga, fashion, texting, tans, summer, friendship, social media, alec baldwin.

Lunch Break: 17 Memes to Distract You From Your Pain

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Dreams Do Come True

Tweet meme about how there's a gym where you can take naps and burn calories at the same time. Shut up and take my money.
Via actuallynotevan

At Least You Have Time to Nap

kermit the frog naps image - 8991493376
Via onlytwitterpics
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