

family drama, aita, baby names, askreddit, parenting, dad, names, family, reddit thread, Reddit, nicknames, mom, name, Parenting Fail, parents, nickname, Parenting FAILS

Wife Accuses Husband of Being "Unreasonable" Because He Doesn't Want to Name Their Baby "Novalynn," "Ryleigh," or "Caeleigh"

Millennials are killing the normal name industry, or at least so it seems. The weird names young parents give their kids have become bonafide memes at this point. I don't know if we'll ever get to a point where McKinsleigh will be considered a normal name by the majority of the population. At the same time, we felt the same way about the name Britney, and nobody bats an eye at that anymore. My favorite millennial naming convention is giving your baby an old lady's name. I know two babies named…
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names, name, naming, kids, adults, friends, coworkers, people, weird, unique, interesting, twitter thread

Twitter Users Share The Strangest and Most Unique Names They've Ever Seen

Some creative choices
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velma, scooby doo, shaggy, name

People Share Disbelief at Shaggy's Real Name in Cast Announcement of 'Velma'

Come again?
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name, naming, chat, dm, instagram, wholesome, funny, twitter thread

Dude Provides Life Updates from Group Chat of Guys with the Same Name, Starts Wholesome Thread on Shared Monikers

Matt Cohen 4ever
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names, name, naming, baby naming, data, statistics, weird, funny

Weirdest, Funniest & Most Random Names That People Supposedly Have

Find Them
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Funny dank memes about forgetting someone's name right after meeting them

Fifteen Dank Memes For Those Who Forget Names Immediately

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It's In There Somewhere

Caption that reads, "Me trying to remember someone's name a minute after they tell me" above paintings of scientists doing research
Via UltraVioletFlamingo

But How Can You Be Sure That's Your Name?

Starbucks name image - 8995636480
Via stability
twitter name - 1152517

On Twitter @Mikepence Is Just a Nice Dude With an Unfortunate Name

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Pokémon GO Players Are Letting Autocorrect Name Their Pokemon

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If That Doesn't Work out There's Always Teamy McTeamface

image vote name If That Doesn't Work out There's Always Teamy McTeamface
Via @FANchise

Sari for the Pun. I'll See Myself Out

pun name image - 8796991232
Via Stuffmyfacewithmomos

The Commendably Accurate Evolution of Roberts

Via explosm

How Do You Even Choose With Such Great Suggestions?

image name sign How Do You Even Choose With Such Great Suggestions?
Via Laundry_Hurricane

Honest Mistake

Via Anonymous

Let Bill Be!

Via happenchance