

Redneck Love

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Study of The Day: Pew Research Shows 40 Percent of Millennials Would Censor Offensive Speech

Study of The Day: Pew Research Shows 40 Percent of Millennials Would Censor Offensive Speech
Via Pew Research

Would You Put Your Money There?

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Politics of The Day: Presidential Candidate Ben Carson Releases Cringe-Worthy Rap Ad

Politics of The Day: Presidential Candidate Ben Carson Release Cringe-Worthy Rap Ad
Via ABC News
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Video Game of The Day: Sept. 11 Gets a Virtual Reality Narrative Experience

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"Okay, We Get It, Mr. Patriot... Now Stop Following Us!"

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You Might Love America, But Not as Much as These Rednecks Shooting an Oldsmobile in a Pasture

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Trust Me, You Don't Want to Visit Most of the United States

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How Much More Murican Can One Sign Get?

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Via Bengals4

I Don't Know How They Did It... But They Did It


I Pledge Allegiance to Your Shirt

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Even In Death, We are American

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'Muricabook Pro

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A Real "Murican" Hero

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Space is 'Murican Territory


God Bless Us, Everyone
