

Who's Got Time for It?

lazy creative funny - 8152211456
Via Unknown

Screw the Challenge

lazy challenge funny - 8132732672
Via unknown

One Lazy And Filthy Polar Bear

gifs lazy polar bears critters - 8104516864
Created by ani.s4 ( Via Youtube )

Places I Keep My Clothes

lazy sad but true clothes web comics - 8105428736
Via Butthorn

The Extra Effort Makes it Unappetizing

lazy oranges apples fruit - 8104746496

Such Procrastination

wtf procrastination lazy funny - 8102313216

Can't the Internet Just Give Me Beer?

beer lazy funny the internets - 8096151808

The American Dream

lazy work funny keyboard - 8086580736

Extreme Laziness

lazy sad but true zombie web comics - 8082460160
Created by _Elizabeth_ ( Via Jim Benton )

Eh, Good Enough

lazy funny - 8081914368

It Pays to Be Lazy

lazy teamwork idiots funny hard work - 8076138752

If This is Where Humanity is Headed, Count Me Out

lazy netflix web comics - 8079356416
Via The Book of Biff

Some Girlfriends Are Just a Burden

lazy relationships girlfriend funny - 8068652032

Sometimes You Just Have to Tell the Truth

depressing lazy potential honesty funny - 8063212544

Laziness at Its Finest

christmas tree lazy funny - 8015727104

Time to Act on My Number One Idea... Be Lazy

lazy sitting - 7997680640